

Congratulations to Our Graduates!

Baptism Announcement–Welcome to the Family!





As was mentioned during worship, we are celebrating a new brother in Christ! Please welcome Chris Moody to the family. Let's make sure to encourage and uplift him as he begins his journey in faith. We know it's not easy, but it's the best choice you can ever make!

Reflections on our Gospel Meeting

Thank you to everyone who helped make sure that our Gospel Meeting a success! It was a blessing to have Brad, Lisa, and Aaron join us and be an encouragement to our group. Brad's lessons were impactful, and I hope we take them to heart.

Growing in Christ is a life-long journey. Let's grow where we know we need to: in faith, in knowledge, in unity, in courage, in self-control, in love, in joy–the list could go on. Let's hold each other accountable and lean on each other for support.

Gospel Meeting!






Family, mark your calendars!

From February 25th–March 1st, we'll be hosting a Gospel meeting. It'll be led by Brad Sullivan, a former evangelist at Oglethorpe Avenue now working with the Oak Grove church of Christ in McDavid, Florida. On the adjacent flyer are our meeting times and lesson themes. Growth is a really important topic– the Church can't stand to be stagnant, personally or collectively. We'll print flyers out to pass out, but reach out to your friends, family, coworkers, and neighbors. You never know the impact a personal invitation can have on someone! Even if they can only make it one night, they are invited to join us.


Let's make this a great meeting!

We've Updated our Site!


As you can see, we've updated the church website. It should be easier to navigate for members and visitors to find lessons and contact information. We'll also begin uploading sermon/study material as they're presented. This isn't the final update for the website; the member portal in particular needs some more work, and we've still got to work on the mobile version. We want it to be both useful and well-designed, so if you have any suggestions regarding site layout, design, color, or functionality, please let Walker know!